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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Results Direct - Exhibitor Announced

We'd like to thank Officite for their support and commitment to AAMSE and the 2012 Annual Conference.

Officite is the leading website and Internet marketing company for healthcare practices. Since 2002, Officite has partnered with more than 25 national and state associations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Cardiology and the American Academy of Dermatology to provide over 7,000 healthcare providers effective and efficient local online marketing.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If You Say Anything...Say You're Coming

Today in Hollywood, John Cusack will receive the 2,469th Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in front of Larry Edmunds Bookshop. Why place the star in front of a book shop? In his latest role, Cusack stars as the infamous author Edgar Allen Poe in the gothic thriller The Raven. John Cusack has reached the next level in his career. Here are a few highlights of how attending the 2012 Annual Conference will help you with yours:

Did someone say Poe?
During the conference, the AAMSE P.O.E. Award winners will be announced. Make sure you're there to be one of the first to congratulate them!

New Member / First Timer Program
No need to rely on Serendipity here - new members of AAMSE and first-time attendees will be paired with an AAMSE veteran, based on similar job function and/or organization type. This veteran will be your "go-to" person for any questions you may have about attending the conference for the first time, and will also introduce you to other AAMSE members.

Education is Two Thumbs Up
Have you been employed in the medical society field going on Sixteen Candles? Do you think you have learned all there is to know about medical society management? We guarantee you will discover new tools to tackle the issues and handle the unique challenges and opportunities facing your society. Our sessions are designed for and by medical society executives. Each session is chosen for its relevance, value and ability to advance your professional development.

Networking is Key
Networking takes place at receptions, meals and other miscellaneous events. However, the best networking at the conference is during the education sessions. Strong bonds are formed when someone says, "Come Stand By Me as we work to solve problems facing medical societies today."

And so, if you Say Anything about AAMSE, say you're coming to the 2012 Annual Conference!

Check out these titles and others starring John Cusack on IMDb.  

Friday, April 20, 2012

DocBookMD - Exhibitor Announced

We'd like to thank DocBookMD for their continued support and commitment to AAMSE and the 2012 Annual Conference.

DocBookMD is a smartphone platform designed by physicians for physicians. DocBookMD provides a HIPAA-compliant professional network to connect, communicate and coordinate. DocBookMD works in collaboration with medical associations to increase membership, improve member retention and deliver added value to members.

Retain Your Relevance

Find out how with AAMSE's next webinar...

The Impact of Medical Association Leadership:
Why association-led online communities are
changing the game 


Thursday, April 26
1 - 2:30 p.m. Central time
Cost: $50.00

Register Now

Is new social technology threatening the relevance of your association?

Learn how your organization can stay relevant by providing an online community designed just for your members. Medical associations can offer their own secure online communities, purpose-built for their unique needs, without forfeiting the wealth of other benefits that members have long valued.

This webinar will show you how association-led online communities are changing the game, and how they can help your organization provide more value for your members' dollars.

Participants will:
  • Clarify competitive threats to medical associations and how to address them
  • Learn how the American College of Gastroenterology is leveraging online communities to engage their members more deeply and deliver greater value
  • Discover how to retain and grow your membership base by providing enhanced services to your members
  • Identify opportunities to generate non-dues revenue by gaining industry sponsorship

For more details on this webinar, visit the webinar information page.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

National Volunteer Week


Happy National Volunteer Week! 

National Volunteer Week 2012, Celebrating People in Action, honors those who dedicate themselves to serving others. It is about inspiring people to seek out imaginative ways to engage in their communities.

As a member of the AAMSE community, your involvement is central to achieving the mission we put forth. We would like to thank the many volunteers who make AAMSE the strong and vibrant community it is. Volunteer members are the heart of AAMSE and the time and efforts they put in are directly related to our success.

AAMSE would also like to take this time to remind you to thank your volunteers for the work they do. With the historic changes taking place, it is more important than ever for both you and your physician volunteers to get involved and take an active role in the future of organized medicine.

AAMSE is always looking for new members to get involved. Whether your interests lie in membership, leadership, marketing or education, there’s a volunteer opportunity for you with AAMSE. Log into our website and check out the rewarding volunteer opportunities AAMSE has to offer.

If you're interested in joining those who have served and continue to serve the AAMSE community, send us an email and let us know.

Thank you, volunteers!

Monday, April 16, 2012

AOE Consulting - Exhibitor Announced

We'd like to thank AOE Consulting for their support and commitment to AAMSE and the 2012 Annual Conference.

AOE Consulting provides expertise in ACCME accreditation and re-accreditation self-study preparation, probation status reversal, compliance and CME best practices education. In addition, we work with medical specialty societies and other providers serving as an outsourced CME Compliance Officer and/or Coordinator, working collaboratively to help you demonstrate and define CME excellence.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dr. Reynolds - Featured Speaker

Did you get a chance to read the latest edition of Hotline, the AAMSE newsletter? There is a great article by Dr. Susan F. Reynolds that focuses on physician leadership.

Be sure to attend the 2012 AAMSE Annual Conference where Dr. Reynolds will be presenting Working across Generational Differences: From Boomers to Gen X to Gen Y and Transforming Your Medical Society through Effective Physician Leadership.

Dr. Reynolds is the President and CEO of the Institute for Medical Leadership, which provides leadership development programs for numerous medical societies, hospitals and health systems. She is a former White House advisor and CEO of an emergency medical center.

Her book, Prescription for Lasting Success: Leadership Strategies to Diagnose Problems and Transform Your Organization, published by John Wiley & Sons, will be available July 2012. Attendees of the 2012 AAMSE Annual Conference will receive a complimentary copy of the book!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Got Swag?


Do you think your conference swag is A-list?

Then bring an item from your own conference to compete against your colleagues
for a chance to win the St. Louis Swag Awards.

Items will be displayed during Thursday's Exhibitor Reception
at the 2012 AAMSE Annual Conference in Los Angeles.
Items will be voted on by conference attendees.

Two winners will be selected to receive St. Louis swag
compliments of the St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission.

Drop off your item(s) at the Registration Desk when you pick up your registration materials. Items will be available for voting throughout the Exhibitor Reception on Thursday, July 19 from 4:45-6:15 p.m. Winners will be announced during the Business Meeting and Awards Lunch on Friday, July 20. Items will be available for pick-up at the Registration Desk on Friday. Any items not picked up become the property of AAMSE. Contact Alisha T. Campbell, MS, AAMSE Meetings Manager at for more information or to submit your swag.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Webinar this Thursday

Associations: Using Technology
for Revenue & Learning Objectives


Thursday, April 5
1:00 - 2:30 p.m. CT
60-minute presentation + 30-minute Q&A
Cost: $50.00 

Hear industry experts discuss the latest trends and hottest topics in medical society management from the comfort of your own desk with AAMSE's EDWeb webinar series. The first EDWeb of 2012 takes place this Thursday, April 5.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how your association can leverage technology to increase revenue and meet your learning objectives.

About the webinar:
Associations: Using Technology for Revenue & Learning Objectives, presented by Philip G. Forte, President of Blue Sky Broadcast, and Steve Folstein, MEd, Director of Education and Meetings for the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), will be discussing the benefits of using technology for learning objectives and increasing revenue. Online learning is a key offering for many associations and this presentation will provide an overview with real examples of successful online learning programs that generate revenue and achieve positive educational outcomes.

For more details on this webinar and to register,
visit the webinar information page.

*Is your organization an AAMSE Pinnacle Partner? You may qualify for FREE registration! Ask the main contact (for AAMSE) from your organization about this offer.

Questions? Contact Tristan Johnson at

Monday, April 2, 2012

Registration is Now Open

Registration is now open for the 2012 Annual Conference in Los Angeles - a city home to many of the world's most famous stars. We have pulled out all of the stops to make sure the star power of our conference sessions and speakers will shine. As you review this year's lineup, we are sure you will find enough great educational content to give it two BIG thumbs up!

Introducing the STARS of this year's conference:
★ Mr. John Seigenthaler, Seigenthaler Public Relations ★
★ Dr. Peter Diamandis, XPRIZE Foundation ★
★ Mr. Matthew E. May, MBA, Author ★
★ Dr. Susan Reynolds, The Institute for Medical Leadership ★

Also featuring:
Christopher Boyer, Inova Health Systems
Scott Casey, Medical Voyce Sciences & Multimedia, LLC
Karen Collishaw, CAE
Richard Corlin, MD, The Institute for Medical Leadership
Sophia Henry, California Academy of Family Physicians
Dirk Hobbs, Medical Voyce Sciences & Multimedia, LLC
Dean Holzkamp, Colorado Medical Society
Sheri Jacobs, CAE, Avenue M Group
Benjamin Kupersmit, Kupersmit Research
Deborah M. Lewis Harris, PhD, Clinical Psychologist
Jennifer Malson, HEALTHeCAREERS Network
Kirsten Olean, CMP, CAE, Association of American Medical Colleges
Donald Palmisano, Jr., JD, Medical Association of Georgia
Jim Perry, Blue Sky Broadcast
Gene Ransom, III, Esq., MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society
Ed Rigsbee, CSP, Rigsbee Enterprises, Inc.
Shelly Rodrigues, CAE, CCMEP, California Academy of Family Physicians
Kimble D. Ross, Kimble Public Affairs
Cynthia A. Singh, MS, American College of Emergency Physicians
Kenneth Slaw, PhD, American Academy of Pediatrics
Kai K. Sternstein, JD, American Medical Association
Amy Wong, Esq., Medical Marketing Enterprises, LLC
Randall V. Wong, MD, Medical Marketing Enterprises, LLC
Gail Marie Zimmerman, Nonprofit Consultant

In addition, there will be many networking opportunities as well as several optional events in which to catch up with old friends and foster new relationships. 

Discover for yourself how the AAMSE Annual Conference can inspire professional vision and renew your personal spirit. We look forward to seeing all of you in Los Angeles!

 Coming a conference designed FOR and BY  YOU!