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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Annual Conference Exhibitor Update: Boxwood

Thank you to Boxwood for their support of AAMSE and the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference.

Boxwood is the leading provider of online career centers, career fairs, mentoring and career network solutions exclusively for associations. Now part of the Naylor family, associations also have access to print & digital media, event and marketing services from one company. Boxwood is the managing director of The National Healthcare Career Network, the largest network of healthcare associations (300+) in the US. Contact Matt Dorn by phone at (703) 964-2770 or e-mail

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Conference Tips and Reminders

Coming to Louisville for the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference? We have some last-minute reminders for you before you leave next week:

  • Select your sessions and review your conference plan. Make sure you have selected your educational sessions using the Annual Conference online scheduler. Click here to read how to select your sessions and create your personal conference plan in 7 easy steps. Already selected your sessions? Review your saved conference plan here to make sure you don't miss newly added session information and late breaking topics.
  • Download the conference app. If you have been using the online scheduler, you received an email with instructions on how to download the app. Please download the app, along with any of the presentations and session materials you wish to have access to during the conference, before arriving in Louisville.
  • Check in at the AAMSE registration desk. The registration desk will be located on the Second Floor/Ballroom Level of the Suite Tower of the Galt House Hotel (just one level up from the hotel check-in desk). Check in when you arrive to pick up your conference materials; please remember to wear your name badge and conference ribbons to all AAMSE functions at the hotel.
  • Look who's attending the Annual Conference. Click here to  see who will be attending this year's conference.
  • Wednesday’s Opening Reception beings at 6:30 p.m. in the Waterford Room. Don’t miss the chance to kick off the conference with friends while enjoying an assortment of hors d’oeuvres and the breathtaking view from the 25th floor of the Galt House Hotel's Rivue Tower.
  • Pack your jeans. Bring your comfy clothes as we continue the tradition of “Jeans at the Meeting” on Saturday, August 2.
  • Be sure to visit with all of the AAMSE Exhibitors and Sponsors. Show your support for the organizations that support you. Stop by their tables in the AAMSE Exhibit Hall on Thursday and Friday. Rumor has it some lucky attendees will walk away with prizes!
  • Don’t forget your business cards! There will be plenty of opportunities to network with your colleagues, peers and the exhibitors.
  • Follow AAMSE on Twitter for conference updates and news. Tweeting about the conference? Use #AAMSE14.

See you next week in Louisville!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Annual Conference Exhibitor Update: Availity

We'd like to thank Availity for their support of AAMSE and the 2014 Annual Conference. 

Availity delivers revenue cycle and related business solutions for health care professionals who want to build healthy, thriving organizations. Availity has the powerful tools, actionable insights and expansive network reach that medical businesses need to get an edge in an industry constantly redefined by change.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Plenary Sessions You Don't Want to Miss


We've got world-class plenary sessions planned for you
at the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference

Aren't registered for the conference? 
Register now before online registration closes July 18!

Kentucky Derby: Hitting its Stride After 140 Years
Featuring: John Asher, Churchill Downs

Thursday, July 30
8-9:15 a.m.

John Asher, Churchill Downs’ Vice President of Racing Communications, will discuss how the track is using innovation, new media, and marketing to reach out to new and longtime patrons in a shifting competitive landscape, earn their loyalty and trust, and continue to grow an event that dates to our nation’s horse and buggy days.        

Position Your Medical Society as a Leader with the AAMSE Trends Report
Featuring: Michael Fraser, PhD, CAE, Pennsylvania Medical Society, Babette Grey, New York State Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Linda Lambert, CAE, American College of Physicians - New York Chapter, David McKenzie, CAE, American College of Emergency Physicians, Jon Sutton, MBA, American College of Surgeons
Friday, August 1
8-9:30 a.m.

Keep your medical society ahead of the curve on issues such as employed physicians, health information technology, healthcare reform, and the value proposition of membership by examining the opportunities and threats facing medical societies and how you can position your organization as a leader on medicine’s biggest issues.        

(Big) Data: The (New) Game Changer
Featuring: Steve Erickson, CAE, American College of Cardiology and Zain Khandwala, MBA, MSc, Bellarmine University Institute for Advanced Analytics
Friday, August 1
1-2:15 p.m.

Are you fully utilizing all of your touch points to partner with your stakeholders most effectively? This session is designed to help professionals understand and unlock the wealth of big data at their fingertips by providing an overview of big data and specifics on how to build, access, and leverage insights. Big data is the next frontier for innovation, competitive advantage, and strategic decision making.

A Day in the Life of an Association Nerd
Featuring: Beth Ziesenis, Your Nerdy Best Friend
Saturday, August 2
8:40-9:30 a.m.

Every AAMSE conference leaves you with innovative takeaways to put into action as soon as you return to your office… if you have the tools to make them happen. In this session, you’ll learn how an association nerd solves a security crisis before 10 am, learns to make more of a lunch hour with an extra set of virtual hands, saves money on software before the staff meeting, and brings the team together online before the day is done.  

Road to Relevance
Featuring: Mary Byers, CAE, Mary Byers Inc.
Saturday, August 2
11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Join Mary Byers, CAE to take a thought-provoking look at how competition is threatening the relevance of associations and what can be done in response. Based on the best-selling book, Road to Relevance: 5 Strategies for Competitive Associations, this session features practical advice and compelling case studies. Learn how to adapt five proven strategies that have transformed organizations and create a roadmap to implement them at your association to ensure future relevance.       

Monday, July 14, 2014

Annual Conference Sponsor Update: Pfizer

We'd like to thank Pfizer for their continued support of AAMSE and the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Annual Conference Exhibitor Update: InReach

We'd like to thank InReach for their continued support of AAMSE and the AAMSE Annual Conference. 

For over ten years, InReach has helped medical societies and professional associations deliver online continuing education (CE) to millions of learners. Hundreds of organizations successfully leverage InReach’s continuing education management solution to produce, manage, distribute, and generate revenue from live webcasts, on-demand content, and much more. Visit to see why medical societies power their online CME courses through InReach.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Annual Conference Online Registration Closes July 18

Thinking about attending the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference in Louisville? 

Online conference registration closes on Friday, July 18. Make sure to register before July 18 and review the reminders below to get the most out of your conference experience!
  •  Register for the Annual Conference
        Haven't registered for the Annual Conference yet or know someone who
        would benefit from attending? Register here.
  • Sign up & register for pre-conference meetings
       Make sure you aren’t missing out on meetings and educational
       opportunities relevant to you on the Wednesday afternoon prior to the

       Click here for more information on the County CEO Meeting.
    Click here for more information on the National Specialty CEO Summit.
    Click here for more information on the Communication Symposium   
  • Review the Annual Conference program and educational sessions
       Educational sessions at the Annual Conference are handpicked to be the
       most relevant to you and your career. Covering everything from advocacy
       to technology and presented by top speakers, you can earn up to 17 CAE
       credit hours
    that can be applied to your CAE application or renewal.
    Click here to view the full Annual Conference program.      
  • Consider volunteering for the 2015 Annual Conference Program Committee
       Help plan the 2015 Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon and
       collaborate with other organized medicine professionals from around the
       country to select the sessions and speakers for the 2015 conference
       program. Read more here.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Just Announced: Annual Conference Daily Rates

Just Announced: Annual Conference Daily Rates

Can't make it to the entire 2014 Annual Conference?

With daily rates there is no reason to miss out - simply download and fill out the form below and return it to the AAMSE office - by email, fax, or mail - with your payment by July 11.

Daily Registration Rates:

Wednesday, July 30.....$75
Thursday, July 31.......$200
Friday, August 1........$200
Saturday, August 2....$100

Click here to download the 2014 Annual Conference One-Day Registration Form.

Daily rates are only available to AAMSE members. Not a member? You may still attend the full conference by registering at the non-member rate or you can join or renew your membership now to qualify for the daily rates. Daily rates are available until July 11.

Don't forget about pre-conference meetings too:

Make sure you aren’t missing out on meetings and educational opportunities relevant to you on the Wednesday afternoon prior to the conference:
     Click here for more information on the County CEO Meeting.
     Click here for more information on the National Specialty CEO Summit.
     Click here for more information on the Communication Symposium.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Annual Conference Sponsor Update: Marketing General Incorporated

We'd like to thank Marketing General Incorporated for their continued support of AAMSE and the AAMSE Annual Conference. 

The most successful association marketing agency, Marketing General Incorporated’s client-specific programs grow membership, dues, and non-dues revenue. Visit or contact Rick Whelan at 703-706-0350.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

News & Updates: Annual Conference Checklist

Are you ready for the AAMSE Annual Conference?

With the AAMSE Annual Conference just a little over one month away, take a look at the Annual Conference checklist to makes sure you are ready for Louisville!

  • Register for the Annual Conference
    Haven't registered for the Annual Conference yet or know someone who would benefit from
     attending? Register here.
  • Sign up & register for pre-conference meetings
    Make sure you aren’t missing out on meetings and educational opportunities relevant to you on the Wednesday afternoon prior to the conference: 
    • Click here for more information on the County CEO Meeting. 
    • Click here for more information on the National Specialty CEO Summit. 
    • Click here for more information on the Communication Symposium. 
  • Watch the 20-minute preview webinar from Sarah Sladek, author of "The End of Membership As We Know It"
    Get a sneak peek of author and speaker Sarah Sladek’s conference sessions, covering membership innovation, the new ROI, and effective communication. Watch here.
  • Make your room reservations
    The AAMSE room block for the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference closes June 30; after this date, you will no longer be able to reserve your room at the AAMSE room rate. Book here.
  • Consider volunteering for the 2015 Annual Conference Program Committee
    Help plan the 2015 Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon and collaborate with other organized
    medicine professionals from around the country to select the sessions and speakers for the 2015 conference program. Read more here.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Annual Conference Sponsor Update: ABCOM

We'd like to thank ABCOM for their continued support of AAMSE and the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference.

ABCOM works closely with associations, meeting planners and decorators supporting general sessions, exhibitor rentals, breakouts, registration and internet cafes. For over twenty years, ABCOM has provided unique solutions to our clients with unsurpassed service and technology coupled with the most competitive rates in the industry.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Annual Conference Sponsor Update: CommPartners

We'd like to thank CommPartners for their continued commitment to AAMSE and the 2014 Annual Conference.


CommPartners helps organizations create value and build relationships with their members, chapters and extended community through online education and multimedia events. Our suite of solutions begins with our Elevate Learning Platform, the first community based LMS developed specifically for associations. Elevate was designed to promote the intersection of expert knowledge from thought leaders and field experiences from members. In addition to our platform CommPartners offers an array of event and content development options including online courses, webcasts, livestream conferences and learning communities. We are proud to say we are entering our 20th year, and support over 1,300 association clients.

Monday, June 23, 2014

News & Updates: Room Block Closes June 30!

The AAMSE room block for the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference closes June 30. Make sure to book your room reservations before June 30 because after this date, you will no longer be able to reserve your room at the AAMSE room rate. 
The Galt House, Louisville, KY
AAMSE Room Rate: $159/night + tax & fees 

 Haven't registered for the Annual Conference yet or know someone who would benefit from attending?

Registration Rates
Member: $500 ~ Non-member: $575

Friday, June 20, 2014

Speaker's Corner: Sarah Sladek


Webinar Just Announced!

Get a sneak peek of Sarah Sladek's not-to-be-missed sessions at the AAMSE Annual Conference and Communication Symposium
Annual Conference Speaker Preview: Sarah Sladek
Tuesday, June 24
12:00 – 12:20 p.m. CT
FREE for AAMSE members  


            Attend this webinar for a sneak peek of Sarah Sladek’s
            not-to-be-missed membership and communications focused-sessions at
            the AAMSE Annual Conference, including:

            Amplify Association ROI
            Wednesday, July 30
            1:15 – 2:15 p.m. (during the Communication Symposium)
            On the heels of a down economy and on the brink of the largest shift
            in human capital in history, members are demanding a greater return
            for their investment than ever before. Learn how members’
            expectations of membership have changed, how to prove the ROI of
            membership, and effectively communicate the value of membership.
            What's Love Got To Do With It
            Thursday, July 31
            9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
            Generations X (1965-1981) and Y (1982-1995) are technology-savvy,
            globally minded, and socially conscious. However, few associations
            realize Xers and Ys value relationships more than anything else. 
            Learn how to engage these generations with innovative recruiting and
            retention strategies that generate trust, inspire a shared vision,
            and build community.

Sarah Sladek
CEO, XYZ University

Sarah Sladek founded XYZ University to help organizations bridge generation gaps and succession plan. She is an experienced marketing and membership professional who started researching demographic shifts in 2002. Sarah has authored three books and numerous articles on generations and launched the nation’s first business conference focused on bridging talent gaps in the workforce.

Haven't registered for the conference yet or know someone who would benefit from attending?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

News & Updates: Annual Conference Room Block Closing Soon

Have you booked your room for the Annual conference?

The AAMSE room block for the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference closes June 30; after this date, you will no longer be able to reserve your room at the AAMSE room rate. 
The Galt House, Louisville, KY
AAMSE Room Rate: $159/night + tax & fees 

Haven't registered for the Annual Conference yet or know someone who would benefit from attending?

Conference highlights include: 
  • Wednesday afternoon Communication Symposium, featuring Sarah Sladek, author of The End of Membership as We Know It
  • High quality educational sessions focused on the topics relevant to you including Advocacy, Membership, Technology, Professional Development, and many more;
  • The opportunity to earn up to 17 CAE credit hours that can be applied to your CAE application or renewal;
  • Great receptions and social events, including Bourbon Tasting, Dine-arounds, and a tour of the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, where you can network with your colleagues while exploring the city of Louisville.
Registration Rates
Member: $500 ~ Non-member: $575

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Annual Conference Exhibitor Update: ZirMed

We'd like to thank ZirMed for their continued commitment to AAMSE and the 2014 Annual Conference.

As the nation’s premier health information connectivity and management solutions company, ZirMed combines innovative software development with the industry’s most advanced transactional network and business analytics platform to deliver technology and client support that have received awards from KLAS®, Healthcare Informatics, Best of SaaS Showplace (BoSS), and Black Book Rankings. To discover how we’re modernizing critical connections between providers, patients, and payers—and how much our solutions can do for your organization—visit

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Annual Conference Exhibitor Update: HEALTHeCAREERS Network

We'd like to thank HEALTHeCAREERS Network for their continued commitment to AAMSE and the 2014 Annual Conference.

HEALTHeCAREERS Network is the first and only true network of healthcare career centers that integrates the business processes and technology of career centers while providing recruitment solutions to healthcare employers of all types and sizes. As an association partner, your brand is positioned to employers and job seekers as a premier healthcare organization.

Friday, June 6, 2014

AAMSE Dine-Arounds

During the Annual Conference there are a multitude of exciting optional social events and activites to choose from; including the AAMSE Dine-arounds.  A long standing AAMSE activity, the Dine-arounds give attendees the opportunity to network with their fellow medical society professionals in a casual setting and discuss the hottest issues in organized medicine all while enjoying dinner at one of Louisville's great restaurants.

To check out the restaurant list and join a Dine-around at the Annual Conference, click here

Haven't registered for the conference yet? Register Here 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Annual Conference Exhibitor Update: Travel Portland

We'd like to thank Travel Portland for their continued support of AAMSE and the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference. 

You want a unique place for a meeting and affordable accommodations to match? You want great culture, memorable meals and delicious microbrews with no side order of sales tax? You want transportation that’s delegate-friendly and easy on the environment, too? YOU JUST WANT A PLACE LIKE PORTLAND. Portland offers 22,000 hotel rooms and your delegates can hitch a ride to/from the convention center on Portland’s MAX light rail free in downtown. With no sales tax or food and beverage tax, Portland lets you stretch your meeting dollars. Your budget will thank you, as will your delegates, who’ll use the money they save to take advantage of Portland’s acclaimed dining, shopping and cultural offerings plus great pre/post options like the nearby gorge, Mount Hood, wine country and coast.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Early Registration for the Annual Conference Extended!

Early registration rates for the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference will now be available until Friday, May 30! 

After Friday, May 30, registration will go up to the regular member rate of $500.

Registration Rates
Early Bird Rate, before or on May 30: Member: $425 ~ Non-member: $500
Regular Rate, after May 30: Member: $500 ~ Non-member: $575

Download the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference Preliminary Program here.
For more information on the Annual Conference, visit or contact AAMSE at or (414) 221-9275.

Working towards becoming a certified association executive?

As a CAE Approved Provider program, the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference offers 38 sessions that qualify for CAE credit and you can earn a maximum of 14* credit hours by attending the conference, that can be applied to your CAE application or CAE renewal!

*As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE Exam content outline, the AAMSE Annual Conference may be applied for 14 credits towards your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements. This program is not endorsed, accredited, or affiliated with ASAE or the CAE program. Applicants may use any program that meets eligibility requirements in the specific timeframe towards the exam application or renewal. There are no specific individual courses required as part of the applications – selection of eligible education is up to the applicant based on his/her needs.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Annual Conference Exhibitor Update: Dynamic Benchmarking

We'd like to thank Dynamic Benchmarking for their continued commitment to AAMSE and the 2014 Annual Conference.

Dynamic Benchmarking partners with associations to deliver an intuitive, web-based, and interactive benchmarking solution for their members on different topics including financial, operational, best practices and compensation & benefits. Our solutions help associations generate revenue and develop industry intelligence while providing members with a tool for making data driven decisions.
Register for the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference here.  

Early registration rates are available until May 26!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Invest in Yourself: Professional Development & CAE Credit Opportunities

Investing in your professional development can help you enhance the vital skills needed to lead your organization and career forward.  Whether you are looking to become a certified association executive or want to focus on building your professional network, attending the AAMSE Annual Conference gives you the opportunity to invest in yourself.

As a CAE Approved Provider program*, the 2014 AAMSE Annual Conference offers 38 sessions that qualify for CAE credit and you can earn a maximum of 14 credit hours that can be applied to your CAE application or CAE renewal.

You can also take advantage of many beneficial professional development focused sessions, including:
  • Building a Strong Personal Brand and Powerful Professional Network
  • Forging Productive Professional Relationships
  • Recognizing and Responding to Compassion Fatigue in our Members and Ourselves
  • Creating a Workable Post-Conference Action Plan 

For more information on the professional development sessions and to download a full preliminary program click here.

Haven't registered for the conference?
Early registration rates are available until May 26!

*As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for 14 credits toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements. Note: This program is not endorsed, accredited, or affiliated with ASAE or the CAE program. Applicants may use any program that meets eligibility requirements in the specific timeframe towards the exam application or renewal. There are no specific individual courses required as part of the applications – selection of eligible education is up to the applicant based on his/her needs

Friday, May 9, 2014

Communication Sessions for You!

If you work in medical society management, it is likely that communication is part of what you do, whether it is reflected in your job title or not. That's why the AAMSE Annual Conference offers a multitude of communication sessions to help sharpen the vital skills you need to meet the unique challenges of disseminating your association's message.

Here is a sneak peek of communication sessions you can attend at AAMSE's Annual Conference: 

Maximizing the Effectiveness of your Digital Marketing (C, M)
Scott Slucher, President, Slucherville Communications

Maximizing the effectiveness of your association’s digital marketing assets can give you the opportunity to raise the profile and add enormous value to your association. This session will focus on how to use the assets you already posses for more effective marketing, how to create new digital revenue streams and how to boost your public relations by making smart use of press releases. 

Power of Messaging to Build Consensus (A, C)
            Robin Rather, CEO, Collective Strength

All too often medicine makes important political endorsements and advocacy decisions with a split membership. The consequences are dire – confused messaging, position of weakness, and worse … loss of members. Robin will discuss how to build consensus (even on the tough issues) with your members and how to message that decision. Both are critical for success.

Handling Online Criticism: Social Media as an Ally, Not an Enemy (C, M)
            Adele Cehrs, President, Epic PR Group
Few association executives question the need to establish a social media presence. But when you create that Facebook page, tweet, or blog, keep in mind that online brand transparency requires great responsibility—responsibility to listen to the members of your community when they engage with you and to respond appropriately. Whether you're responsible for the reputation of a small staff association or large organization, you’ll need to have a rock-solid, up to-the-minute crisis plan in place and be prepared to step up to defend the organization when crisis hits. Adele will explain how to assess which types of crises are most likely to hit your organization; which actions to take first to keep the crisis from spiraling out of control; how to get prepared while the coast is clear, so you can leap into action once a crisis hits and how to use social media as your ally—not your enemy—in combating rumors, falsehoods and half-truths.

For more information on the communication sessions and to download a full preliminary program click here.
Haven't registered for the conference? Early registration rates available until May 26!