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Friday, May 9, 2014

Communication Sessions for You!

If you work in medical society management, it is likely that communication is part of what you do, whether it is reflected in your job title or not. That's why the AAMSE Annual Conference offers a multitude of communication sessions to help sharpen the vital skills you need to meet the unique challenges of disseminating your association's message.

Here is a sneak peek of communication sessions you can attend at AAMSE's Annual Conference: 

Maximizing the Effectiveness of your Digital Marketing (C, M)
Scott Slucher, President, Slucherville Communications

Maximizing the effectiveness of your association’s digital marketing assets can give you the opportunity to raise the profile and add enormous value to your association. This session will focus on how to use the assets you already posses for more effective marketing, how to create new digital revenue streams and how to boost your public relations by making smart use of press releases. 

Power of Messaging to Build Consensus (A, C)
            Robin Rather, CEO, Collective Strength

All too often medicine makes important political endorsements and advocacy decisions with a split membership. The consequences are dire – confused messaging, position of weakness, and worse … loss of members. Robin will discuss how to build consensus (even on the tough issues) with your members and how to message that decision. Both are critical for success.

Handling Online Criticism: Social Media as an Ally, Not an Enemy (C, M)
            Adele Cehrs, President, Epic PR Group
Few association executives question the need to establish a social media presence. But when you create that Facebook page, tweet, or blog, keep in mind that online brand transparency requires great responsibility—responsibility to listen to the members of your community when they engage with you and to respond appropriately. Whether you're responsible for the reputation of a small staff association or large organization, you’ll need to have a rock-solid, up to-the-minute crisis plan in place and be prepared to step up to defend the organization when crisis hits. Adele will explain how to assess which types of crises are most likely to hit your organization; which actions to take first to keep the crisis from spiraling out of control; how to get prepared while the coast is clear, so you can leap into action once a crisis hits and how to use social media as your ally—not your enemy—in combating rumors, falsehoods and half-truths.

For more information on the communication sessions and to download a full preliminary program click here.
Haven't registered for the conference? Early registration rates available until May 26!

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